Get Involved
Getting involved in the church is a wonderful way to stay connected and nurture your faith. Helping those in need is a big way we are able to worship and serve God. Jesus was one who always served those in need, and we strive to follow in His footsteps. Below are ways you can help and get involved.
Adult Ministry

For the adults, we have a Bible study every Sunday after worship. Anyone is welcome to join us at any time. No need to have been in a previous class, as each Sunday is a study of its own.
During the warmer months, we have a Men's golf group that meets at a local golf course every Thursday morning ay 9:00 am. If you would like to join them one Thursday, please call the church to see which golf course they will be hitting up that week.
Youth Ministry

Our children mean the world to us, so it is important to give them a deep faith. We have several programs designed to do just that.
Word on Wednesday (WOW) is our Christian Education hour for children preschool through 6th grade. They meet Wednesday nights at 6:15 pm during the school year.
For our 9th through 12th grades, we have Teens and God (TAG). They meet a little later on Wednesday evenings during the school year at 6:30 pm. This group meets up at our River of Hope Youth Center.
Our 7th and 8th graders meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:15 pm to learn about our faith and church, as they are our confirmands. Our confirmands meet for 3 years, and become members when the are 9th graders. The 9th graders meet with the pastor after church on Sundays.
Hope Presbyterian Women (HPW)

HPW's purpose is to:
* Nurture our faith through prayer and Bible Study
* Support the mission of the church worldwide
* Work for justice and peace
* Build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witness to the promise of God's kingdom
All women who are members of Hope are also members of the HPW. We also welcome non-member women who indicate their willingness to participate in the HPW program.
Activities during the year include a monthly Bible study (Circle II), service groups within the church, serving at funeral luncheons, and other special events such as the church's annual suppers, rummage sale, fall bazaar, and the HPW Christmas party.
Click here for the HPW Booklet.
Church Officers & Committee Members

The church has several openings every year for church officers. You will serve a 3-year term, no more than 6-years consecutively. The Nominating Committee starts their search in November. We are always looking for good people to be an Elder on the Session or a Deacon.
We are also always looking for new people on our committees. We have several to choose from, so you should be able to find your niche.

Missions are also a very important part of our congregation. We have taken several mission trips to other state, have done disaster relief clean up, and also have done day/weekend trips to the Twin Cities or other large cities to serve the homeless.
Within our congregation, we operate the CARE Pantry. This mission is held 2 times a month, and distributes items of need to those in need. Click here for more information on the CARE Pantry.
We also give prayer shawls to those who are going through a tough time and need a little extra comfort as the navigate what they are going through.
Our church gives out Grief Kits to children and Booklets to adults who have lost a loved one. These kits include a photo album, pen and journal, a booklet "A Child's Story on Death", and a prayer bear.

Another important part of our congregation and church services is music. The adult choir is a regular part of our weekly Sunday services - only taking off one Sunday a month. If you would like to join the adult choir, they rehearse every Wednesday night during the school year at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. I am sure they would love to have you join them!
We also have a children's choir. They practice during their Christian Education classes and perform for us a couple times a year.
We also have an adult hand bell ensemble that practices and performs a few times a year; and also a Contemporary Praise music group (Jammin' for Jesus) that sing a few times a year.
Prayer Chain

Prayer is always an important part of any congregation, and we have 2 prayer chains. One is for those who don't have an email address. These people receive a phone call with who needs to be prayed for. The second group is an email prayer chain, who receive daily emails letting them know who to pray for.
To join the prayer chain, please email:

We are always looking for volunteers! We have multiple things you can volunteer for depending on where your interests lie! You can be a lay reader for Sunday worship services, if you don't mind being in the spotlight. Or if that isn't your cup of tea, you can be behind the scenes running sound, video, or operating the screen! If you don't want to volunteer on a Sunday, we can always us help with the CARE Pantry picking up product or serving the clients. We always need volunteers during events as well. If you aren't sure what you want to do, contact the church, and we can help you figure it out! We love our volunteers!